Hope of Glory Christian Center
"The Connection Center"
Your presence makes a difference in our ministry. We aim to create an atmosphere where you can use your gifts and talents in affinity groups that allow you to express the Christ-Spirit within.
Get connected with the ministry that best suits you...
Women's Ministry
Come to a place where you can experience the compassion of God flowing through like a mighty rushing river. This place of sanctuary is refuge to mother, sister, daughter, wife, and friend. Walking along side you in this journey to virtue, you will find solace in the lulling words of Sister Reverdia Trammell and peace in the subtle radiance of Sister Denshai Lee as they help you to unwrap the gift of God that is woman.

Men's Fellowship
The strength of God lives in you now! Uncover the valor within as you stand shoulder to shoulder with a brother. The men's fellowship is designed to provide a space where men can stand in solidarity with their brothers and encourage to lead their family unit, their church, and thier community after the model of Christ. As disciples of christ the men of Hope of Glory have each others back, just like iron sharpens iron. Manhood has many faces and as you display your identity in Christ the Men of Glory will show the face of God in the earth.
Couples Ministry
We believe that ministry begins at the home. Whether you are just starting a family thinking of starting a family or just looking to grow together; you and your mate can grow in God together. Connect with other Christian couples to have fun, to pray, for godly and practical and advice , and to share the love of God. Communication is key. Couples ministry will help you as a connect one with another with a group of people who share the joy of loving one another.

Children and Youth
The Glory Kids Children's Ministry convenes each Sunday morning after praise and worship in the main sanctuary. The program is designed for children between ages of three and twelve. Instruction is lead by Children's Pastor Minister Daveon Swan and Children's Ministry Coordinator Sister Terry May. Classes are divided Beginners (3-5), Primary (6-8), and Juniors(9-12).
Youth begins at age thirteen. At this age of accountability youth are now rooted in fundamental biblical principles affording them right to operate in thei . r new found spiritual maturity. Youth are encouraged to particpate in worship in the main sanctuary and hear the same word that their parents are hearing so that they are connected in spirit. Exceptional youth demonstrating great character, spiritual maturity, scriptural aptitude and christian living, and obedience their parents may bre welcomed to particpate in peer mentoring at which point they assist in cooperative group learning on a peer to peer basis with students from the childrens ministry
Email @ MinisterDaveon@HopeofGloryLA.com
Hope of Glory is blessed to be connected to a musical experience that encourages your soul and frees you to praise the Lord in ways that you may have never imagined. The unique blend of traditional psalms, hymns and spiritual songs along with contemporary sounds of worship, praise and urban hip hop gospel is guaranteed to move you. This ministry under the anointed leadership of Elder Tony Jones (Minister of Music) and Minister Karen Banks (Minister of Worship) places its emphasis on music in a more excellent way and worship as a lifestyle. Whether you decide to become a part the Praise and Worship team, Choir,band, sing a Solo, or be the best alto sitting on the fourth row this music experience is not for spectators only, Get connected!
Email @ TJMuzikleadr@HopeofGloryLA.com MinWorshipK@HopeofGloryLa.com
The Love of God begins here at the door. From the moment you enter you are greeted with a hug and a smile. Our ushers and greeters are here to help you to navigate your worship experience here at the connection center. Our ushers will work with you to see to it that your experience is free fom distraction and that your equpped with all proper tools for the spiritual learning experience.